
Meetings list

Our list of worldwide ASCA support group meetings.


  • If you are new to ASCA, the about and meetings webpages provide further information.
  • Please be on time for the start of ASCA meetings. Admittance is restricted once a meeting begins.
  • The time zone is local to the group.
  • Some groups do not meet weekly, and we are not always able to verify the accuracy of the listing. First-time attendees are advised to contact the group to verify information and for additional guidelines.
  • If you have concerns that a meeting is misrepresenting itself or is not following the steps and spirit set forth in our guidelines (see materials), please contact us.
  • If you find an error or know of an update, please contact us.

Unless noted, all meetings listed are community-based meetings. These meetings are formed and run by adult survivors of child abuse.

We note provider-based meetings, which mental health providers and other organizations establish and maintain. Adult survivors of child abuse may or may not facilitate these meetings.


All times are local to the group. The listings are sorted by day and time, then location. Please visit other meetings to see book groups, internet cafés, and writing groups that are published.

Search meetings

37 meetings

  • There is no submit button—making selections or typing text initiates a search.
  • Each selection affects the others. For example, selecting “Online” for the venue will show online meetings, then choosing “Sunday” for the day will show Sunday online meetings.
  • The text search box can be used to find meetings with a word or phrase anywhere in the listing.
  • Regular expressions can be used in the text search box.

Searching with regular expressions is an advanced technique that looks for specific patterns.

(survivor|thriver) Displays all meetings containing the words survivor OR thriver
(survivor.*thriver) Displays all meetings containing the word survivor FOLLOWED BY thriver
(survivor.*thriver|thriver.*survivor) Displays all meetings containing the words survivor AND thriver
[z][o] Displays all meetings containing the letter z FOLLOWED BY the letter o.
[z][^o] Displays all meetings containing the letter z NOT FOLLOWED BY the letter o.
[z][o{2}] Displays all meetings containing the letter z FOLLOWED BY oo.
Pattern list (incomplete)
Pattern What the pattern matches
() Group of characters, e.g. (survivor) finds survivor
* Zero or more instances of string preceding it, e.g. a* finds a and everything else; (survivor)* finds survivor and everything else
+ One or more instances of strings preceding it, e.g. 9+ finds 9, 99, etc.; (00)+ finds 00 as in 1:00pm, etc.
. Any single character, e.g. . finds a, e, 9, etc.
? Match zero or one instances of the strings preceding it, e.g. a? finds a and everything else; (survivor)? finds survivor and everything else
[abc] Any character listed between the square brackets, e.g. [xz] finds listings that contain x or z
[^abc] Any character not listed between the square brackets, e.g. [^xz] finds listings that contain other characters besides x and z, which is all of them
[A-Z] Match any upper case letter, i.e. finds listings that contain capital letters, which is all of them
[a-z] Match any lower case letter, i.e. finds listings that contain lower case letters, which is all of them
[0-9] Match any digit from 0 through to 9, i.e. finds listings that contain a number, which is all of them.
[class] Matches a character class, i.e. [:alpha:] to match letters, [:space:] to match white space, [:punct:] is match punctuations and [:upper:] for upper class letters, which matches all listings.
{N} N is number instances of preceding element, e.g. o{2} will find meetings that contain oo.
{M,N} M through N instances of preceding element, e.g. o{1,2} will find meetings that contain o and oo.

Regular expressions have been used in computer programming and elsewhere. For more information, other websites discuss them more thoroughly and can be found online.

Privacy note: Searches are local to your device.

Sunday - 1:00pm to 3:00pm

Online: Based in Washington, D.C.

Metro DC Area ASCA Support Group

An all-virtual format using Zoom.

Meetings are on Sundays at 1pm ET.

You can find details of the meeting by finding us at

For further questions, email Chicaiza and Cathy at

Sunday - 2:00pm to 3:30pm

In person: Ohio (Columbus)

1. Columbus, OH

2. 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month starting at 2:00 pm

3. No fee – donations welcome

4. Contact Ryan

5. Where: St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, 30 West Woodruff Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210

Sunday - 4:30pm to 6:00pm

Online/In person: Based in Georgia (Atlanta)

ASCA-Atlanta offers online and in-person meetings.

  • Online meetings are hosted each Sunday at 4:30 p.m. ET on Zoom.
  • In-person meetings are hosted on the third Sunday of each month at 4:30 p.m. ET at Saint Mark's United Methodist Church (details below).

Request to join the group by visiting

Once added to the group, you can RSVP to attend an online or in-person meeting by going to:

RSVP is required to receive the link to the Zoom meeting each Sunday.

Please contact the meeting organizers by sending a Meetup message or posting a comment to the event if you have questions.

A suggested donation of $3 to $5 is requested to defer administrative costs.
No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Click here to make a donation.

In-person meetings on the third Sunday of the month are held at:

St. Mark's United Methodist Church
Meeting Room 200
781 Peachtree Street
Atlanta, GA 30308
(The meeting entrance is on 5th street between Peachtree and Juniper Street in midtown Atlanta)

Please arrive 10-15 minutes before 4:30 to receive the passcode for free parking in the parking deck at the 5th street entrance.

ASCA-Atlanta gets a passcode to Park for FREE. The co-facilitator of the meeting will provide you with the parking passcode upon arrival.

Sunday - 4:30pm to 6:00pm

Online: Based on the west coast (U.S.)
Note: For adult survivors of child sex trafficking

ASCA Child Sex Trafficking Survivors group


This virtual ASCA meeting is intended for adult survivors of child sex trafficking.

Meetings will be held at 4:30-6pm PDT on the last Sunday of the month.

Based on the West Coast and open to all survivors in any time zone.

Please sign up via the Facebook group link

You are welcome to create an alternate profile for anonymity.

I am Co-Facilitator of a local ASCA group and encourage attendees to take Co-Facilitator training via The Morris Center. Training schedule/information can be found at

Sunday - 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Online: Based in California (San Fernando Valley)

Uses the Zoom platform.

Meets every other Sunday, 6:30pm – 8:00pm Pacific Time.


Sunday - 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Online: Based in California (San Fernando Valley)
Note: For those with Dissociative Identity Disorder/Alters

ASCA Meeting for those with Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly called Multiple Personality Disorder) or those without a formal diagnosis but have distinct alters/parts.

Please email for additional information.

We meet every other Sunday at 6:30pm Pacific Time

Contact Jessie:

Sunday - 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Online/In person: Based in California (Santa Clarita)
Note: In-person meetings are on pause

In-person ASCA Santa Clarita support group meetings are on pause, and we will resume when there is sufficient interest.

Virtual ASCA meetings are on alternate Sundays 6:30–8pm PT.

Please join our meetup group: and RSVP for the ASCA meetings you would like to attend. We have changed our process and the Zoom link is visible on meetup after RSVPing for a meeting on meetup. Please check ahead of time, if the Zoom link is not visible after RSVP, please email

For newcomers to our group: please login at 6:15pm PT for orientation.

Please read the following hand-outs ahead of time

Our web-site ( will also have FAQs and resources.

Please contact Karen: if you have additional questions.

Monday - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Online: Based in British Columbia (Vancouver)

What: ASCA Support Group. The group will be following the ASCA model and the Survivor to Thriver manual.

Who: Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (sexual, physical, emotional).

Where: Online over Zoom. Email to be sent the Zoom link for meetings.

When: Mondays, 7:00 - 8:30pm (Pacific Time)

Cost: By donation.

Contact by email:

Monday - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

In person: Newfoundland and Labrador (St. John's)

Meets on the first and third Monday of every month.

Location: 10 Pearl Place, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.

Time: 7–8:30pm

Contact: Bev 709-746-9627,

Tuesday - 6:30pm to 8:30pm

In person: California (San Francisco)

Meeting Details

A Rotating format meeting that includes a book study, a speaker mtg, and a step study. Depending on the size of the group, the mtg sometimes goes to 9 pm. If that happens, you have the option of leaving earlier at 8 pm.

Location & Directions:

501 Castro St., corner of 18th St, 2nd floor (one block from Castro Muni Station) Public Transit: K, L, M, 33, 24. Wheelchair accessible
Castro Community Room (in the Bank of America Bldg)

COST: Suggested donation $3–5. No one turned away for lack of funds.

NEWCOMERS: PLEASE COME 15 MINUTES EARLY in order to acquaint yourselves with the meeting format and rules.

LATECOMERS will be let into the meeting somewhere between 6:40 and 6:45. After that time, no one will be let in.


  1. Arrive on time and remain until the conclusion of the meeting.
  2. ASCA mtgs are exclusively for adult survivors of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. No observers please.
  3. ASCA mtgs are not intended for survivors who are currently perpetrating abuse on others.
  4. Talking about your own acts of present perpetrator type behavior is not permissible.
  5. Talking in detail about past perpetrator behavior is also not permissible.


Tuesday - 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Online: Based in England (London)

UK, London (virtual)

Zoom meeting open to all in any global location

Language: English

Time: First Tuesday of each month at 1:30 pm ET (6:30 pm GMT), beginning Feb. 6, 2024.


Contact via web-page

This is a provider-based meeting.

Tuesday - 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Online/In person: Based in Florida (St. Petersburg)

Tampa Bay Thrivers

Zoom meetings every other Tuesday 6:30pm-8pm (Eastern Time)

Hybrid Zoom/In-person meetings one Tuesday a month 6:30pm-8pm at:
Barbara S. Ponce Public Library 7770 52nd St N
Pinellas Park, FL 33781

Tuesday - 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Online: Based in New Jersey (Northfield)

First Meeting August 8, 2017.

Every Tuesday from 6:30pm - 8pm (Eastern Time).

Contact: Grey at

Tuesday - 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Online: Based in Eastern Time Zone

ASCA Northeast
(Note: Attendees are not limited to the northeast; we have attendees from all over the country as well as several attendees from other countries.)

Meeting Details: Occurs the first three Tuesdays of each month. There is a rotating meeting format schedule: an “Open Share” meeting, a “Step” meeting (taken from the ASCA 3 Stages of Healing & 21 Steps, and a “C-Reader” Topic meeting.

All attendees are also invited to stay on after the regular meeting and join what we call our “Virtual Café” for a few minutes of casual conversation and/or to ask any additional questions or provide further feedback. We have found that this adds to the positive tenor and atmosphere of our meetings.

Meeting Time: 1st 3 Tuesdays of each month from 6:30 - 8pm EST.

(Latecomers are welcome to join a meeting up until 7pm.)

All meetings are held on Zoom.

Please reach out to us at if you are interested in receiving more information and possibly joining this very nurturing, supportive group meeting. You will be asked to answer a few short questions and then receive some “pre-meeting” materials to look over before your first attendance.

These meetings are free to attend, but there are opportunities to make a donation to ASCA or the meeting (for the upkeep of our Zoom account) if you would like. But this is in no way obligatory.

We hope to hear from you!

Tuesday - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Online: Based in Illinois (Chicago)

Meeting Details

ASCA Chicago meetings are held virtually via audio-only teleconference,
7pm–8:30pm CT - Central Time on Tuesdays. Contact Stu at for more info.

Tuesday - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

In person: North Carolina (Greensboro)

1. State & City: Greensboro, NC

2. Status of Meeting (Current or Proposed): Current, established Nov 2017

3. Fee per Meeting: $1 or more suggested donation (or contribute on line to the Meetup group)

4. Contact Person: Jo (Organizer) or Dwight (Co-Organizer) via the Meetup group (see #8 below)

5. Contact Telephone Number: pending membership approval

6. Meeting Day & Time Tuesdays, 7:00PM – 8:30PM

7. Meeting Location: pending membership approval

8. Meeting Information and Membership Request: account and profile are required (at no cost)

Tuesday - 8:00pm to 10:00pm

Online: Based in New York (Brooklyn)
Note: Currently on hold

Meeting Details: A rotating format meeting that includes an open share meeting, a step study meeting, and a C-reader topic meeting.

All participants are invited to attend an optional virtual café after each meeting.

Meeting Time: Tuesdays, 8:00 - 10:00 pm ET.

Latecomers are Welcome until 8:15 pm.

The meetings are held on Zoom.

Meeting is currently on hold, with possible plans to move to in-person meetings. Please check back in a couple of months.

There is No cost for the meetings, but people can send donations to:

Tuesday - 8:30pm to 10:00pm

Online: Based in Indiana
Note: At capacity and not accepting new members

Note: At capacity and not accepting new requests to attend (date of note: September, 2024 to present). Please check back.

Meeting is Tuesdays at 8:30 to 10:00 pm US Eastern Time.

Virtual doors open at 8:15 pm.

There is a virtual café after the meeting.

The meeting is held on Zoom.

Anyone wanting information can email Tuesday@ASCA.Cloud.

Wednesday - 5:00pm to 6:30pm

Online/In person: Based in Texas (Killeen)

  1. Meets every second and fourth Wednesday of the month (in 2024, skipping Valentine’s Day).
  2. Alternating onsite and virtual meeting.
  3. To request to attend, and to get location and Zoom information, please email
  4. Contact: (254) 213-2210
  5. No fee, at this time.

Wednesday - 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Online: Based in California (San Diego)
Note: Forming

A trained co-facilitator is looking to start a virtual ASCA support group for survivors of physical, sexual, and emotional child abuse, based in San Diego. The group is currently seeking another trained co-facilitator to help launch this peer-led group. Survivors interested in joining or trained co-facilitators interested in collaborating are encouraged to reach out for more information. The goal is to create a welcoming space where survivors can support one another in their healing journey.

Wednesday - 6:00pm to 7:30pm (PT)
Online: Based in California (San Diego)

Wednesday - 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Online: Based in Eastern Time Zone
Note: Currently not accepting new members

** acceptance of new members are currently on hold until Feb 15th, 2025 **


Wednesdays 6–8 pm Eastern Time


Wednesday - 6:00pm

Online: Based in Indiana
Note: Currently on hold

** Currently on hold until further notice **

ASCA Journey Toward Joyful Thriving

Wednesdays Based in Indiana ET

6 p.m. ET/5 p.m. CT/ 11 p.m. GMT/3 p.m. PT

contact email:

Wednesday - 6:00pm to 8:00pm

In person: New York (Manhattan)
Note: Currently on hold

ASCA NYC is a thriving meeting that has held in-person meetings on Wednesday evenings in Manhattan for over 20 years. Our meetings are currently on hold as we plan for return to in-person events. Please check back here for further updates.

We can be reached at

Wednesday - 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Online: Based in California (Oakland)
Note: For Asians and Pacific Islanders only

This ASCA VIRTUAL monthly meeting is based in Oakland, CA, and is only for survivors of Asian and Pacific Islander descent.

This VIRTUAL meeting is on the last Wednesday of every month from 6:30pm – 8pm/8:30pm PT.

If you are interested, email Sharryn:

Wednesday - 6:30pm to 8:00pm

In person: New York (Manhattan)


We accept newcomers.

Please visit our website for the most updated information and schedule:

Meeting day & Time: second and last Wednesday of the month between 6:30pm-8pm.

Meeting location: In Manhattan - a short walk from Penn Station & Herald Square. In order to keep our meetings as safe as possible, please contact us through our website or email where we will provide the location details.


Last Updated: 08/22/2024

Thursday - 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Online: Based in Eastern Time Zone

ASCA North

Meeting Details: A rotating format meeting that includes an open share meeting, a step study meeting, a C-reader topic meeting, and a book study.

All participants are invited to attend an optional virtual café after each meeting.

Meeting Time: Thursdays, 6:00–7:30 pm EST, 5:00–6:30 pm CST, 4:00-5:30 pm MST, 3:00-4:30 pm PST

Latecomers are Welcome until 6:30 pm EST.

The meetings are held on Zoom.

Please write to for more information and to receive the links each week.

There is No cost for the meetings, but people can send donations to: Contribute to ASCA | Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (ASCA).

Thursday - 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Online: Based in California (San Fernando Valley)
Note: For those with Dissociative Identity Disorder/Alters

ASCA Meeting for those with Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly called Multiple Personality Disorder) or those without a formal diagnosis but have distinct alters/parts.

Please email for additional information.

We meet every other Thursday at 6:30pm Pacific Time

Contact Jessie:

Thursday - 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Online: Based in California (San Francisco)

As of December 2023, this group is going to an every 2 week meeting schedule. See for the dates.
They hope to be back to every week in Spring 2024.

Meeting Details: A Rotating format meeting that includes a book study, a speaker mtg, and a step study.

We are NOT meeting in person under the current COVID situation. We have implemented virtual meetings via Zoom (video enabled).

Please note that we have added a password to the Zoom meeting in order to restrict access and ensure safety. If you would like to join the Zoom meeting please email us at or through the Contact Form on our website.

Meeting time: Thursdays from 6:30-8:30pm (Pacific Time)

Contact us at or write

COST: Suggested donation $3-5, No one turned away for lack of funds.

LATECOMERS: will be let into the meeting somewhere between 6:40 and 6:45. After that time no one will be let in.


Arrive on time and remain until the conclusion of the meeting.

ASCA mtgs are exclusively for adult survivors of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. No observers please.

ASCA mtgs are not intended for survivors who are currently perpetrating abuse on others. Talking about your own acts of present perpetrator type behavior is not permissible. Talking in detail about past perpetrator behavior is also not permissible.

Thursday - 6:30pm to 8:00pm

In person: Pennsylvania (Beaver Falls)

1. Beaver Falls (Chippewa Township), PA 15010

2. Current – call or e-mail prior to attending

3. Free

4. Julie

5. 724-417-9619‬

6. 2nd and 4th Thursdays 6:30 – 8PM

7. St Monica Parish, 116 Thorndale Dr. Beaver Falls, PA 15010

8. Meetings held in Founders Hall first room lower level classroom

Thursday - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Online: Based in Maryland (Baltimore)

A Virtual ASCA meeting originating in Baltimore, Maryland. Meets every Thursday 7:00 - 8:30 pm US Eastern Time. There is an optional 45 min after the meeting for anyone who has questions, resources to share or unwind from the meeting.

For more information write to

Thursday - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

In person: Tennessee (Monteagle)

Meets at the Methodist Meeting Hall next to the CVS at 7:00 on Thursday evenings.

Directions from exit 34 on 41A: Turn right onto 41A then right at the street after the CVS. The building will be on the left.

Contact: Barbara at

Barbara is available as a speaker. If you are interested in inviting her to speak at your group, please contact her.

Thursday - 7:30pm to 9:00pm

In person: California (Santa Monica)

COST: Suggested donation $10. No one turned away for lack of funds.

We encourage new members to arrive 15 minutes early in order to acquaint themselves with the meeting format and rules. Please note that the door to the meeting room may be locked. We will check the door once or twice until 8:00pm to let in latecomers. After 8:00pm, no one else will be let in.

Some group rules

ASCA meetings are exclusively for adult survivors of physical, sexual or emotional abuse. No observers please.

ASCA meetings are not intended for survivors who are currently perpetrating abuse on others. Talking about your own acts of perpetrator type behavior is not permissible.

Meeting details

7:30-9:00 pm Thursdays in Santa Monica.

Contact us for details:

Visit out web site:

Thursday - 7:30pm to 9:00pm

In person: New Jersey (Morris Plains)

We are currently holding an in-person meeting for vaccinated people (proof required). We have a temporary virtual option available for those who have attended at least one in-person meeting. We also meet virtually if weather does not permit us to meet in person.

Due to these uncertain times, please email before coming to your first in-person meeting to ensure that we are meeting in person that week. Thank you!

Saturday - 9:00am to 10:30am

Online: Based in California (Berkeley)

Contact Lindsay Fulton:

Saturday - 9:00am to 10:30am

Online: Based in California (Long Beach)

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the Covid-19 virus, our current meeting location is unavailable. ASCA Long Beach will be holding Zoom meetings in the meantime, so we do not go without support from our fellow survivors. Please contact Matt (phone: 562-225-5780 or e-mail for Zoom information.

Cost: Free, but donations are Welcome.

Saturday - 1:30pm to 3:30pm

Online: Based in North Carolina (Raleigh-Durham)

This community ASCA℠ peer support group started meeting in 2009, co-facilitated by fellow abuse survivors. Meetings are based on the ASCA℠ 21-Step recovery program.

Meets on Zoom

Unspecified day/time (see details)

Online/In person: Based in California (San Diego)

This is a provider-based, closed, psycho-educational support group meetings (in-person and online) facilitated by therapists. It includes exercises from the ASCA℠ Survivor to Thriver Manual.

This is not a traditional ASCA℠ self-help support group meeting.

Requires a 16 to 18-week commitment.

There is a waiting list to attend this group. To sign up for this group, please call 619-692-0727, extension 118. Say that you are interested in the ASCA group.

Dates and times are determined per group.

Donations appreciated.

The provider is very interested in supporting the community to start a traditional community-based ASCA℠ self-help support group that can be available to support adult survivors of child abuse independent of the provider (after the 16–18-week provider-based group ends).

Address: Home Start, 5005 Texas St., Suite 203 (Admin offices), San Diego, CA 92108

Unspecified day/time (see details)

Online/In person: Based in Unspecified
Note: Forming, for Arabic Survivors

Invitation for Arabic Survivors

As an Arabic adult survivor of sexual, physical and emotional abuse, I am planning on starting an Arabic-speaking ASCA meeting. Please contact Fahad on: and/or WhatsApp/Mobile for more details.

This meeting will follow the same guidelines of other ASCA meetings of survivors, and it will be run in Arabic. We hope to offer attendees a supportive community who provides understanding, validation and empowers adult survivors of child abuse. Only survivors would be allowed to attend these meetings. We hope you will join us. Details would be posted at ASCA website for this regular virtual meeting.

دعوة لتأسيس اجتماع الناجين

أنا فهد، أحد الناجين البالغين من إساءات جنسية وعاطفية وجسدية. يسعدني إبلاغكم عزمي على تأسيس مجموعة دعم للناجين والناجيات مثلي. يهدف هذا الاجتماع لمساعدة الناجين والناجيات لإيجاد مجتمع يساعدهم ويدعم تعافيهم ويلهمهم لتعديل حالتهم من ضحايا إلى ناجين ثم إلى ناجحين. لا يُسمح لأي شخص ليس من الناجين/الناجيات بالتواجد في هذا الاجتماع. يتم اتباع آلية محدّدة منضبطة تطبق في كل اجتماعات الناجين الأخرى لتوفير الأمان والدعم للمشاركين والمشاركات طوال فترة تواجدهم به.

يمكنكم التواصل معي من خلال البريد الإليكتروني

أو التواصل عبر تطبيق واتس عبر الأرقام

If you find an error or know of an update, please contact us.

  • Meeting calculator and timers

    For use in ASCA meetings to calculate times for sharing and feedback. Timers included.

    Image of calculator

ASCA outreach

  • Start a meeting

    A placeholder image

    Have you thought about starting an ASCA support group?