----------------------- Page 1----------------------- UPLIFT: A monthly ASCA newsletter of thriving and inspiration. Exclusively from The Morris Center for Healing from Child Abuse.   FEBRUARY 2020 UPLIFT Featuring positive, uplifting information exclusively from The Morris Center for Healing from Child Abuse. Unable to see parts of this newsletter? click here for a web based version Courage is the price that life exacts for granting peace. -Amelia Earhart ----------------------- Page 2----------------------- "When is the right time for ASCA?" is a legitimate, pertinent question. As an adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse, the right time for me was when I had enough time to recognize some emotions that were troubling. These emotions were not of the "temporary blues, this too shall pass" variety. They fell into the "What is the purpose of my place on Earth?" variety. Although I didn't feel suicidal, I did feel despair. The emotions were certainly signs of a profound midlife identity crisis. I decided to seek out trauma counseling so that I could revisit my awareness of (and attachment to) my identity as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. Although necessary, this was a frustrating decision because I had already sought counseling when I was 16, 26, and 36. That pattern would suggest that I needed help every decade or so. In fact, I was 46 when I experienced some radical life changes: My daughter moved out to start the next chapter of her life, my mother died, and I got downsized from the company I had worked at for 17 years. I felt like I needed to make a radical change! I found ASCA via a Web search, and was delighted that a meeting was held in the evenings. At first, I was put off by how structured the meeting was: so many guidelines! I realize now, 3 years later, structure ensures safety and decreases any variability/vulnerability. Some gifts that ASCA gives me each meeting, include : a safe space to be seen/heard, validation for my experience as a survivor, resources to read, a chance to do service as a co-facilitator, exposure to diversity/inclusion, healing, and stress relief. I consider ASCA meetings an integral part of my portfolio of healing practices (gym, reading, journaling, therapy, etc). ----------------------- Page 3----------------------- Hindsight, they say is 20/20. My ASCA goals for 2020 are not looking backward, but rather, to my future. These goals include improving my listening skills, facilitating an ASCA support group at least once a month, and supporting new members who may be wondering, "Is this the right place at the right time?" I hope the answer is yes! written by: Derek ASCA, New York Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Norma J Morris Center For Healing From Child Abuse whenever you shop on AmazonSmile. Click to start donating at no additional cost to you, instantly while shopping on Amazon. UPLIFT joins our still ongoing, quarterly newsletter. We would love to feature you. If you would like to volunteer, have comments or would like to provide supportive feedback for anyone featured in this newsletter, send an email to ascanewseditor@gmail.com by including their name in the subject line of your email. A special thank you, to all those who have made a donation to the Norma J Morris Center. We would not be here without you. The Morris Center for Healing from Child Abuse | Email | Subscribe to UPLIFT Follow us on Facebook! NORMA J MORRIS CENTER FOR HEALING FROM CHILD ABUSE, PO Box 281535, San Francisco, CA 94128 SafeUnsubscribe™ {recipient's email} Forward this email | Update Profile | Customer Contact Data Notice Sent by ascanewseditor@gmail.com powered by ----------------------- Page 4----------------------- Try email marketing for free today!