----------------------- Page 1----------------------- UPLIFT: A monthly ASCA newsletter of thriving and inspiration. Exclusively from The Morris Center for Healing from Child Abuse.   MARCH 2019 UPLIFT Featuring positive, uplifting information exclusively from The Morris Center for Healing from Child Abuse. unable to see parts of this newsletter? Click here for a web based version  JOHN JOINS THE MORRIS CENTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS! The mission of The Morris Center Is to reach out to as many survivors as possible, around the world. We are excited to welcome our new board member who brings experience in helping us accomplish working toward this goal. ----------------------- Page 2----------------------- If you've ever sent an email to info@ascasupport.org over the years, there is a good chance you may have corresponded with John. As Senior Outreach Coordinator, John supervises and mentors the volunteer team that responses to daily e-mail correspondence.  He learned about The Morris Center by attending an ASCA meeting in his area. John recounted, "I started going in March of 2003". Just 2 or 3 years after attending his first ASCA meeting in New York City, John was considering answering queries for The Morris Center, and co-facilitating the New York City meeting. The ideas came from a fellow ASCA participant. John is a role model to volunteers for providing accurate, timely and friendly general information about the ASCA program. "He is a very humble leader. He excels at mentoring other facilitators who seek him out. I have learned so much from him" said ASCA virtual co-facilitator Amaroq. John supports all ASCA groups by assisting in updating the website with accurate meeting information. Even more, John coordinates training for co-facilitators and works directly with the Board President to deliver trainings. "John is awesome!  His empathy, gentle kindness, patience and support has inspired me. I try to incorporate that into how I co- facilitate ASCA Santa Clarita." Said Karen.   It was a unanimous vote of "yes" at the last board meeting, and John has officially joined The Morris ----------------------- Page 3----------------------- Center Board of Directors PLEASE TRY AN ASCA MEETING! The survey we recently took was invaluable in assessing areas that may need improvement so thank you, again, to all who participated. One of the biggest surprises for us was that only 28% of respondents had ever attended an ASCA meeting. Since meetings are the backbone of the ASCA recovery program, this was a disappointing statistic and it made us realize that we need to do more to promote attendance. We realize that one obstacle is that not everyone lives near an ASCA meeting and, indeed, a large number of respondents said they wished there was a meeting closer to them. We also wish there were meetings within easy reach of everyone but, unfortunately, that's dependent upon someone stepping up to organize one. If you have any interest in starting a local meeting, there are numerous resources available to you and we will be happy to support you in any way we can. In the meantime, to address the concern of survivors who don't have a meeting within a reasonable distance, we created virtual meeting that anyone, anywhere can attend. These meetings are conducted using the same principles as other ASCA meetings. You can see, first hand, what meetings are like by visiting the ASCA website (www.ascasupport.org) then clicking on "Meeting Materials" then clicking on "ASCA Meeting Tour" and/or "ASCA Meeting Audio". The most important thing for newcomers to know is that meetings are all about safety. They are ----------------------- Page 4----------------------- conducted by two trained facilitators who follow a set script and the whole meeting is very structured. Although everyone is invited to share, no one is ever pressured to say anything. Many attendees find that, even if they choose not to share, they often hear things from other survivors that they find helpful. We encourage you to give an ASCA meeting a try! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at info@ascasupport.org Diane Whitney Board of Directors Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Norma J Morris Center For Healing From Child Abuse whenever you shop on AmazonSmile. Click to start donating at no additional cost to you, instantly while shopping on Amazon. UPLIFT joins our still ongoing, quarterly newsletter. We would love to feature you. If you would like to volunteer, have comments or would like to provide supportive feedback for anyone featured in this newsletter, send an email to ascanewseditor@gmail.com by including their name in the subject line of your email. A special thank you, to all those who have made a donation to the Norma J Morris Center. We would not be here without you. The Morris Center for Healing from Child Abuse | Email | Subscribe to UPLIFT Follow us on Facebook! NORMA J MORRIS CENTER FOR HEALING FROM CHILD ABUSE, PO Box 281535, San Francisco, CA 94128 SafeUnsubscribe™ {recipient's email} Forward this email | Update Profile | Customer Contact Data Notice Sent by ascanewseditor@gmail.com powered by ----------------------- Page 5----------------------- Try email marketing for free today!