----------------------- Page 1----------------------- UPLIFT: A monthly ASCA newsletter of thriving and inspiration. Exclusively from The Morris Center for Healing from Child Abuse.   FEBRUARY 2018 Featuring positive, uplifting information exclusively from The Morris Center for Healing from Child Abuse.  UPLIFT  Unable to see parts of this newsletter? click here for a web based version ----------------------- Page 2----------------------- We were invited by non-profit organization SHARE! to participate for our first time, in their annual recovery day. ----------------------- Page 3----------------------- The white board that says "Welcome!!" is a schedule listing as many as 30 different support groups. The support groups were invited by SHARE! to hold meetings at SHARE!'s center for their annual recovery day. ----------------------- Page 4----------------------- On the left is Pam, our multi talented, gracious main contact and Peer Specialist at SHARE! On the right is Echosaisis, our Director of Outreach. We created a special flyer for the event so that more people can learn about ASCA and hopefully start a new ongoing ASCA meeting. SHARE! allowed us to leave our flyers on a resource table, along with other support groups. ----------------------- Page 5----------------------- While other support groups held and finished their meetings, we were at an informational table handing out flyers and talking with folks about our effective ASCA program . We held our ASCA meeting in one of the many meeting rooms provided by SHARE! for support groups like ours. ----------------------- Page 6----------------------- Teamwork: The hands of Co-facilitators Karen from Santa Monica ASCA and Echosaisis from Sacramento facilitated an ASCA meeting for recovery day. At least 7 people attended that had never experienced an ASCA meeting before. The effectiveness of our co-facilitator training allowed for Karen and Echosaisis to run a safe and effective ASCA meeting together, even though this was the first time they had met in person! How cool is that? ----------------------- Page 7----------------------- SHARE! is based in the Los Angeles area. This is a banner of their inspiring mission statement that hangs over their stairway. We are excited to announce that SHARE! invited us back for their Festival of Recovery, April 28th, 2018. We are looking for co-facilitators in Southern California that would be interested in co-facilitating an ASCA meeting. Contact us for more information on co-facilitating for April 28th, 2018. ----------------------- Page 8----------------------- We continue to look for your personal stories, photography, artwork and positive forms of self ----------------------- Page 9----------------------- expression. We consider all entries that relate to the ASCA program. Send in your submissions Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Norma J Morris Center For Healing From Child Abuse whenever you shop on AmazonSmile. Click to start donating at no additional cost to you, instantly while shopping on Amazon. UPLIFT joins our still ongoing, quarterly newsletter. We would love to feature you. If you would like to volunteer, have comments or would like to provide supportive feedback for anyone featured in this newsletter, send an email to ascanewseditor@gmail.com by including their name in the subject line of your email. A special thank you, to all those who have made a donation to the Norma J Morris Center. We would not be here without you. The Morris Center for Healing from Child Abuse | Email | Subscribe to UPLIFT Follow us on Facebook! NORMA J MORRIS CENTER FOR HEALING FROM CHILD ABUSE, PO Box 281535, San Francisco, CA 94128 SafeUnsubscribe™ {recipient's email} Forward this email | Update Profile | Customer Contact Data Notice Sent by ascanewseditor@gmail.com powered by Try email marketing for free today!