----------------------- Page 1----------------------- UPLIFT: A monthly ASCA newsletter of thriving and inspiration. Exclusively from The Morris Center for Healing from Child Abuse.   NOVEMBER 2016 Featuring positive, uplifting information exclusively from The Morris Center for Healing from Child Abuse. UPLIFT  In this issue we feature original photography, uplifting words of encouragement and a glimpse into how one survivor celebrated a recent American Holiday. We hope you'll be uplifted. ----------------------- Page 2----------------------- Thanksgiving Morning, 2016 Original photography by an   Adult Survivor of Child Abuse Politics, seasons and even my body weight: Everything changes When situations in life are undesirable, make a list of desirable possible situations. As an abused kid, my list said that I wanted my own phone line and place to live. As an adult, I've made various other similar lists, also keeping them somewhere visible I would see everyday. I felt inspired and empowered to see my dreams on paper. You're still alive to make a real reality out of your dreams. No one else creates your list, so make one for you. Your dreams are more likely to become reality if you are clear on them.   ----------------------- Page 3----------------------- Thanksgiving Morning, 2016 original photography by an Adult Survivor of Child Abuse      CELEBRATING HOLIDAYS: How one ASCA participant gives back Evening Bicycle Ride in San Francisco, CA ----------------------- Page 4----------------------- For the Thanksgiving holiday, I drove +160 miles to volunteer for Project Open Hand. I helped prepare and serve meals with love, to San Francisco's critically ill and elderly. I met some awesome people and made great memories that will help shape my lifetime. Please enjoy the photos from my experience. The dining hall as empty tables slowly filled up ----------------------- Page 5----------------------- The dining hall filled with those I would meet. I helped serve Wild Rice, Turkey, Carrots, Coleslaw and even Pumpkin Pie. Nutritious and delicious. ----------------------- Page 6----------------------- These handmade cards were created by other Volunteers and placed at the center of every table. "Like many adult survivors of child abuse, I am often alone during the Holidays. I decided I can make a difference regardless of my past. Even for one day, I brightened the hearts of others. This brightened my heart in return." DO GOOD THINGS BE GOOD TO YOURSELF and others REWARD YOURSELF for your hopes and accomplishments ----------------------- Page 7----------------------- YOU ARE AMAZING exactly as you are, at this very moment CELEBRATE you have the right to be who you want to be Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Norma J Morris Center For Healing From Child Abuse whenever you shop on AmazonSmile. Click to start donating at no additional cost to you, instantly while shopping on Amazon. UPLIFT joins our still ongoing, quarterly newsletter. We would love to feature you. If you would like to volunteer, have comments or would like to provide supportive feedback for anyone featured in this newsletter, send an email to ascanewseditor@gmail.com by including their name in the subject line of your email. A special thank you, to all those who have made a donation to the Norma J Morris Center. We would not be here without you. The Morris Center for Healing from Child Abuse | Email | Subscribe to UPLIFT Follow us on Facebook! NORMA J MORRIS CENTER FOR HEALING FROM CHILD ABUSE, PO Box 281535, San Francisco, CA 94128 SafeUnsubscribe™ {recipient's email} Forward this email | Update Profile | Customer Contact Data Notice Sent by ascanewseditor@gmail.com powered by Try email marketing for free today!