----------------------- Page 1----------------------- Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (ASCA) Global Newsletter WINTER 2019 In This Issue -Original Poetry -ASCA Virtual BOOK CLUB -ASCA Support Group: Suggested guidelines outside of meetings -THANK YOU -Volunteer, comment, find us on Facebook In this Quarterly newsletter issue, we share about an ASCA Book Club, original poetry, and some suggested guidelines for interacting with other ASCA members outside of meetings. The Morris Center and the ASCA Program continue to grow worldwide. We need your help to reach more adult survivors of child abuse. Please consider volunteering, following us on Facebook, or by making a donation in any requested amount that feels right for you. The Morris Center wants to remind all of y ou that you are awesome and appreciated. The Morris Center for Healing from Child Abuse Unable to see p arts of this newsletter ? Click here for a web based version Original Poetry: Harsh Words ----------------------- Page 2----------------------- by Paige There's a reason I won't be Spoken to that way. See I heard too much In my younger days. Words like a knife Cut to the quick. Soon I found My identity had been stripped. I would try to be anyone And anything I would say To make them stop gnawing At my heart that way. But as I grow older More knowledge I gain. I'm learning my worth And letting go of the we pain. I now speak out When I feel I'm mistreated And stand firm for the respect That I've always needed. ASCA BOOK CLUB Did you know there 's an ASCA book club formed by members of the ASCA virtual meetings? Share and learn about books on thriving and recovery with other Adult ----------------------- Page 3----------------------- Survivors of Child Abuse. Using the zoom platform , this discussion group meets every other Monday Night. To learn more, send an email and include "book club" in the subject line ASCA Cafés (including virtual), Social Network Pages & ASCA buddies self care is important: We recommend that interactions with other ASCA members outside of meetings, use the same guidelines we follow during our ASCA meetings: Supportive Feedback and/or Information & Resources Stay away from Psychoanalyzing, giving Advice, and Labeling of Others (name calling) Be mindful of using gentle, non- accusatory language. Thanks to Amaroq for helping write this article! We want to give a big  THANK YOU to all who made donations in 2018. ----------------------- Page 4----------------------- Your donations help ensure we are able to pay for costs maintaining our website, explore new ways to develop the ASCA program, and help set up new support group meetings around the world. We are committed to our continued service to countless survivors and therapists. We would not be here without YOU!  Thank y ou Support The ASCA community If you would like to volunteer, have comments, or would like to provide supportive feedback for anyone featured in this newsletter, send an email to ascanewseditor@gmail.com .When providing supportive feedback, please remember to include that person's name in the subject line of your email. The Morris Center provides training, coaching and mentoring for Adult Survivors of Child Abuse who are interested in volunteering. New volunteers are always welcome. Be featured in the ASCA Newsletter Please submit: your own stories, photography, artwork, poetry and other self-expression, book reviews, and upcoming events to ascanewseditor@gmail.com. A special thank you, to all those who have made a donation to the Norma J Morris Center. We would not be here without you. ----------------------- Page 5----------------------- Like us on Facebook! | SUBSCRIBE to our Newsletter! The Morris Center for Healing from Child Abuse, PO Box 281535, San Francisco, CA 94128 SafeUnsubscribe™ {recipient's email} Forward this email | Update Profile | Customer Contact Data Notice Sent by ascanewseditor@gmail.com powered by Try email marketing for free today!