----------------------- Page 1-----------------------  ASCA (Mini)News   ASCA (Mini)News ASCA (Mini)News  August / September 2002 THE MORRIS CENTER for healing from child abuse P.O. Box 14477 . San Francisco . CA . 94114 E-mail: tmc_asca@dnai.com . Web Page: www.ascasupport.org . Phone: 415.928.4576 __________________________________________________________________ By Way of a Brief Introduction Hello, all! My name is Jono Schneider, and I'm going to be editing the ASCA News! About myself – I've been involved in ASCA in Berkeley, CA, for 3 years. The forum for emotional expression and empathy that ASCA provides has made a huge difference in my life, and it permits me to continue to express feelings I had repressed as a child; ASCA allows me to continue the emotional work I do in therapy in a safe, sensitive environment. I'm also a writer and editor: my first book, "…But I Could Not Speak …", will be published this fall by Obooks, an independent literary press based in Oakland, CA, and I have just recently become an associate editor of the online poetry journal VERT (www.litvert.com). I am excited to be taking on this responsibility, and my goal is to help make this newsletter a place to hang your recovery hat. We'll post goings-on, share stories, propose meeting topics, and, hopefully, add to everyone's experience of recovery. I'll also be including interviews with ASCA Participants, co-secretaries, and board members so that we can hear what people are thinking and how they move through the recovery process. If you have something you'd like to write about, something you'd like to read about, someone you'd like to interview, or if you'd like someone to interview you, don't hesitate to e-mail me at openedend@aol.com, or use the e-mail address listed above. Also, if you want to say something but are not sure how to say it or what it is, let me know and we can work on something together. I look forward to your ideas, and I hope you will stay tuned! ____________________________________________________________________________________ Goings-On: Potluck BBQ (Flyer or pdf format) If you are a current participant in ASCA support groups, a former participant, or if you are interested in learning more about our program and community, please come to the Potluck BBQ! It will take place Sunday, September 22nd, 12:00pm – 5:00pm at Golden Gate Park, Lindley Meadow, near Fulton and 30th Avenue in San Francisco. Bring a side dish or drinks (no alcohol please!) to share. We’ll provide the meat. You can also bring a game to play. Most important, bring yourself! New Meetings If you haven't already heard, Stu F., in the Chicago area, has started not one, but two new weekly ASCA Meetings – Friday evenings (7-8:30 pm) and Sunday mornings (11am-12:30pm) at the Kenton Building, 9700 N. Kenton (Golf and Gross Point Rd), in Skokie, IL. Please contact Stu at (847) 966-6405 or asca-chicago@mindspring.com for further information. In the Next Newsletter… …keep your eyes peeled for an interview with Stu in the October issue of the ASCA News! I will be talking with him about what it takes to start an ASCA Meeting, and what we both believe to be the importance of ASCA as a recovery program. **** THE MORRIS CENTER for healing from child abuse . www.ascasupport.org . ASCA News . Aug/Sept 2002 . page - 1