----------------------- Page 1----------------------- ASCA News • September 2000 P.O. Box 477 San Francisco, CA 94114 web: http://www.ascasupport.org Summary of June - August 2000 Editions of the ASCA News We have forwarded to all ASCA meetings a hardcopy format of the ASCA News. The September issue compiles the summer ASCA News editions of June through August. We understand that meetings are experiencing some difficulty in downloading and printing the ASCA News from our web site. Beginning with the October issue, we intend to forward a hardcopy of the monthly ASCA News to all the meetings. If you prefer however, that we e-mail you the ASCA News as a Word file so that you will have the capacity to print copies directly from your computer for your meeting, we can do this. If you decide that a Word file should be e-mailed to you in place of a hardcopy of the ASCA News j ust notify George Bilotta by e-mailing him directly at georgebilotta@cs.com. September Announcements Co-Secretary Training David Vandevert, a member of THE MORRIS CENTER'S Board of Directors, will be hosting a co-secretary training on either Sunday September 24th, or Sunday October 1st or 8th. If you are interested in the co-secretary training, contact David at 510.524.5946 or at his e-mail: dvandevert@aol.com. Contact David as soon as possible so arrangements can be solidified based upon interest. New President Margaret Jayko, our former president of THE MORRIS CENTER'S Board of Directors, needed to resign due to an overburdening employment situation. At the Board's meeting on August 27th, the Board elected Jessy Keiser as president of the Board. You can reach Jessy by e-mailing her at j mkeiser@pacbell.net. Web Site Consultant Wanted Bob Roberts, our Web Master, is looking for computer specialists with website expertise to either help with our web site or to function as a consultant to him concerning various aspects of web site design and maintenance. If you are interested, you can reach Bob through our e-mail at tmc_asca@dnai.com. United Way Appeal An easy and practical way of donating to and supporting THE MORRIS CENTER and our ASCA program is to donate through the United Way. Their annual appeal usually runs during the months of September and October. Some employers even provide matching contributions to the pledges made by their employees. We are registered with the United Way. Simply specify that your donation should be ----------------------- Page 2----------------------- forwarded to "The Norma J. Morris Center for Healing from Child Abuse" which is our legal name. "THE MORRIS CENTER" is our DBA and ASCA is a program of THE MORRIS CENTER. Remember that any contribution made directly to THE MORRIS CENTER at any time of the year is always tax deductible, since we are a non-profit organization. You can always send us a contribution any time that you feel a little philanthropic. Simply make your check payable to "THE MORRIS CENTER" and forward to - THE MORRIS CENTER, c/o George Bilotta, 173 Malden Street, West Boylston, MA 01583. Thank you in advance for thinking about supporting us through a donation either via the United Way or directly to us. ASCA e-Meeting Growing A year ago we initiated our ASCA e-Meeting. This past month of August experienced the greatest number of participants. If you have not had an opportunity to try the ASCA e-Meeting look it up on our web site at www.ascasupport.org and click on ASCA e-Meeting. There are over 50 shares and some wonderful and comforting feedback comments. We will return to our usual series of articles in the ASCA News with the October issue. Co-Secretary Update Any updates for current Co-Secretaries of ASCA meetings are included in this section of the ASCA News 1. If you want to order the Survivor to Thriver manual simply forward a check for $23 payable to The Morris Center and forward to The Morris Center, c/o George Bilotta, 173 Malden Street, West Boylston, MA 01583. 2. If you have a question or a situation that needs discussion, you can always reach George Bilotta, by e-mailing him at georgebilotta@cs.com or telephoning him directly in Massachusetts 508.835.6054. Never hesitate to e-mail or call. Observations, Questions, Comments! If you have any observations, questions and/or comments that you want to share concerning ASCA and THE MORRIS CENTER, George Bilotta, welcomes your inquiries, phone: 508.835.6054, e-mail: georgebilotta@cs.com. If you would like to contribute a poem, story, article, etc. to our ASCA News please contact us.