Introduction, background and FAQ about ASCA and The Norma J. Morris Center.
ASCA is an innovative and effective support program designed specifically for adult survivors of physical, sexual, or emotional child abuse or neglect. The program was designed to support and assist survivors of child abuse, irrespective of their financial situation, in moving on with their lives. The two basic components of the ASCA program are: individually reading and working the Survivor to Thriver manual and participating in ASCA meetings. Meetings are the backbone of the ASCA recovery program.
Utilizing a solid foundation built upon research, testing, and participant feedback, The Norma J. Morris Center periodically updates and adjusts the ASCA program. All of the materials needed to work the ASCA program and facilitate ASCA meetings can be found on our materials page.
Who benefits?
- Individuals privately working ASCA through the Survivor to Thriver manual and our online ASCA meetings
- Individuals working ASCA in support group meetings
- Those who use parts of ASCA in their individual or group psychotherapy process
- Dual-diagnosis survivors who work the ASCA program in conjunction with a 12-step program
- Therapists
- Mental health services and organizations looking to initiate a support group program for adult survivors of child abuse
- Spouses, friends, children, and employers of survivors who work the ASCA program
The Morris Center
The Norma J. Morris Center for healing from child abuse is the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that created the ASCA program.
Answers to the most frequently asked questions about the ASCA program and The Morris Center.
A brief history of ASCA and The Morris Center.
Published testimonials from members on how ASCA is helping them recover from child abuse.