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The Morris Center’s program for healing from child abuse

An international self-help support-group program.

The program is designed specifically for adult survivors of physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse or neglect.


Introduction, background, and FAQ.

Learn more


Find a group meeting, learn how to get started, take a meeting tour, and listen to an excerpt from a sample meeting.

View meeting info


ASCA manuals, books, handouts, and articles for survivors, group meetings, and co-facilitators.

View materials


Links to outside resources, including articles, books, and websites.

View resources


  • Brandy

    The ASCA program changes lives. The resources and support …
  • Katelyn

    I appreciate ASCA’s structured support groups …
  • Rich

    ASCA has saved my life. I have been doing the program for 22 years, and …
  • Carolann

    I was abused by both my parents from the time I was a baby. I have suffered ill health …
  • Xaviera

    During these last two years I’ve come a really long way …


  • ASCA Co-facilitator Training

    The next training session will be held on two Saturdays, October 12 and 19, 2024. To learn more about the ASCA meeting co-facilitator role, please see the co-facilitator training manual within the ASCA Reference and Training Manual on the materials page. Contact us to register and to receive additional training materials. The training will be online using Zoom.

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  • Soul Survivors: Paperback

    November 2022: The new paperback version of Soul Survivors, 2nd edition is available at Lulu Press, Inc. for $24.95—half goes to The Morris Center.

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  • Soul Survivors: eBook

    The eBook version of Soul Survivors, 2nd edition (2014) is available at Amazon and Smashwords, specially priced at $5.99.

    Preview image of book cover
  • Video Recording

    May 2023: Dr. J. Patrick Gannon, a clinical and performance psychologist and co-founder of ASCA, speaks with Men of Voices Beyond Assault on the effects of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse on adult survivors as well as ASCA’s ground-breaking 21-step program. Voices Beyond Assault assists survivors of sexual assault and sexual abuse across the world.

    Image of J. Patrick Gannon with Men of Voices Beyond Assault
  • Video Recording

    May 2022: Dr. J. Patrick Gannon, who is a co-founder of ASCA, and Karen Mills—a volunteer with The Morris Center and a co-facilitator for ASCA Santa Clarita—discuss ASCA with staff from the UCSF Trauma Recovery Center, which provides healing services for survivors of interpersonal violence.

    Image of J. Patrick Gannon
  • Video Recording

    April 2021: Clinical and performance psychologist Dr. J. Patrick Gannon and Bo Smith present ASCA, a self-help program, to Haruv USA, which is an international training institute in the field of child maltreatment.

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  • Survivor to Thriver

    Download the free Survivor to Thriver manual and workbook for adult survivors of child abuse “who want to move on with life.” See the top of the Materials page.

    Also available in Spanish, Korean, Portuguese and Hebrew.

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  • Revised Manual

    The 2024 ASCA Training and Reference Manual contains an updated version of each of the following parts:

    1. ASCA Co-facilitator Training Manual
    2. ASCA Co-facilitator Toolkit
    3. ASCA Meeting Toolkit
    4. Ongoing Education Reader
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  • Meeting calculator and timers

    This webpage provides a calculator to calculate share times and timers for feedback and shares, which may be used in ASCA meetings.

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